In the Astrology Horoscope there are 12 houses, one for each of the 12 astrology star signs. The houses have a special meaning as they take on a vibration of their own which you have to take into consideration when you read a horoscope. Each sign rules a particular house.
The Sun travel around in the horoscope all the time and spend approximately 2 hours in each house. Therefore at the time you are born your particular sun sign will fall in the house according to the time you were born which, is not necessarily in the house your sign rules.
The sun rises in the first house every morning between 5am - 7am. At 12 noon it is at the mid heaven and at 6pm it is on the descendant opposite the first house and at 12 midnight it is opposite the mid heaven in the 4th house and then return to the first house again to repeat the circle. This is what happens every day.
The houses of the 3 Fire signs occupy the 1st the 5th and the 9th house.
The first house is the home of Aries it rules our physical appearance and the way we represent ourselves to other people. It describes our personality, how you see yourself and how other people see you. It is our starting point and from here we go on to grow and mature and develop.
The 5th house is the home of Leo. It represents children, self expression and creativity. Understanding the 5th house can help you release your creativity. It represents entertainment, drama, the theatre, love and romance.
The 9th house is the home of Sagittarius. It represents long distant travel, foreign countries, imports and exports. It rules the higher mind, higher education, university, wisdom, knowledge and anything that broadens the mind.
The houses of the 3 Earth signs occupy the 2nd the 6th and the 10th house.
The 2nd house is the house of Taurus. This house relates to your personal financial affairs. Your bank accounts, cheques, the way you earn and spend your money. Dealing with money in a sound well-balanced way is an important spiritual lesson we all have to learn to master.
The 6th house is the home of Virgo. This house is the House of service and health and your every day to day routine in life. It relates to your work, it has to do with your job rather than your profession. Work and health goes hand in hand if you are unhappy at work it shows up in poor health.
The 10th house is the home of Capricorn. It relates to your profession and public life. It relate to people in position of power and authority such as your boss and other superiors and how you react to authority. It represents your career, ambition and worldly goals and achievement.
The houses of the 3 Air signs occupy the 3rd the 7th and the 11th house.
The 3rd house is the home of Gemini. This is the house of communication, such as speech, letters, writing, telephones and all sorts of communication. It relates to short journeys, street cars, automobiles and railways. It is also the house of brothers and sisters and how you relate to them.
The 7th house is the home of Libra. This house relates to close intimate relationships such as marriage and any committed relationship. Other people and dealing with the public and how the public relates to you. It has to do with legal difficult relationships and the relationship between personality and soul.
The 11th house is the home of Aquarius. This house gives indications about hope and wishes and what you desire most in life. It relates to your friendship and relationship with groups of people. This house rules humanitarian work, clubs, societies and any gathering of people of the same interest.
The houses of the 3 Water signs occupy the 4th the 8th and the 12th house.
The 4th house is the home of Cancer. This house relates to the home, family and all matters concerning the domestic front. It has to do with early childhood, memories, your roots and heritage. This house rules your mother and the kind of nurturing and security you received as a child.
The 8th house is the home of Scorpio. This house has to do with the finances, resources and values of other people. It covers joint financial interest, your partner's income, shares, legacy and inheritance. It relates to death and transformation from the old to the new.
The 12th house is the home of Pisces. This house relates to hidden places or things. Activities carried out behind the scene or in seclusion, places of confinement such as hospitals, institutions or prisons. This is the house of the subconscious mind, where you store repressed feelings.
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