Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The Four Elements

Empedocles,a Greek philosopher,scientist and
healer who lived in Sicily in the fifth century B.C.,
believed that all matter is comprised of the four
elements of earth, air, fire and water. Fire and
air are outwardly reaching elements, reaching up
and out, whereas earth and water turn inward
and downward.

In her book, Four Elements in Ancient Greek Philosophy,
Tracy Marks describes a wide-ranging look at earth,
fire, water, and air, and the dynamic twin forces
of Love and Strife. Her book takes one to a journey
from ancient Greece to alchemy to Carl Jung's
association of sense, feeling,thoughts and intuition .

The Four Elements of Air, Fire, Water and Earth
describe the four unique personality types associated
with the zodiac signs.The elements exhibit profound
influence on basic character traits, behaviour, emotions,
thinking and intuition. Detractors consider these traits
too general, but these are reflected in our relationships,
and ambitions or lack thereof, and the unexpected
turns and twists that add spice to our lives.

Astrology aims to help us focus these energies
to the positive aspects, gain a better understanding
of our positive traits and deal with the negative
ones; thus realize our full potential and give our
best to this life.

To deny these is to deny life and destiny. We all
need air to breathe, water to sustain our growth
and to cleanse us; fire to shelter us from the cold
and nourish us; earth to live on together with
all the living things on it and to grow our food.

Astrology: Taurus, Capricorn, Virgo

Jung: sensation

Feel the Earth under our feet, the soil that
sustains all forms of life. Look at the power
and beauty of the mountains, a symbol of stability
and solidity of the earth. Everyday we experience
the physical world, we walk on this earth, enjoy
the beauty and bounty of Mother Earth and
feel the comfort of being on solid ground.

Associated with the signs Taurus, Capricorn and Virgo,
Earth represents the practical, realistic and
material side of our nature. It seeks to assert a
stable, secure and structured environment into which
we can function.Feel the earth under your feet,
solid and steady as you walk slowly.

Earth is patient and reliable. It is solid and strong.
To be on solid ground encourages one to seek
the practical and most logical answer to a problem.
Earth can be a stabilizing force in a relationship,
contributing structure and organization to achieve

balance and harmony. Earth sustains growth- watch
plant life grow, from an acorn does an oak tree grow;
so does man grow from youth to maturity, and realize
the immense growth in every facet of life.

The over expression of this element can be seen in
a stubborn. rigid personality, one that strives to
remain in the comfort zone in life, afraid to take
risks. It can also be seen by a love of the material
side of life, the comforts of material well- being,
material worth can be over emphasized and this can
lead to a stressful worrisome situation.

Weakness: attachment, stinginess, materialism,
resists change, too much attention to detail and
miss the big picture.

Astrology: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius

Jung: Thinking

The element Air is associated with the signs Gemini,
Libra. and Aquarius. It seeks to establish itself in the
realm of the intellect. It is through the process of
thinking that we develop ideas. It is through the
influence of this element that we learn to communicate.
Through air we gain and share knowledge.

Air contributes inventiveness, originality and
versatility to the personality. It gives that feeling
of freedom, unattachment; it reaches out to the
mental self. Enjoy that refreshing gentle breeze,
allow thoughts to flow freely and nourish the creative
moment. Air expresses love of people, the ability to
intellectualize, to appreciate the differences in
people. Accept different perspectives without which, there
would be a lack of vision and human interaction.

Thoughts are a continual force in our lives.It is
associated with meditation where deep breathing is
essential to reach that level of stillness, energy,
and relaxation. Air is used for transport, flying
and sailing. Let your thoughts soar to reach your
intellectual pursuits and realize your full potential.

An over expression of air's influence can be seen
as living in a dream world with unrealistic goals
and flights of fancy. Air should seek to maintain
practicality and develop consistency in dealing
with the real world.

Weakness of this element : lack of emotion,
depression, lack of connection with the higher
self, overactive mind that blocks inner peace
and harmony.

Astrology: Leo, Sagittarius, Aries

Jung: Intuition

The signs Leo,Sagittarius and Aries are associated
with the element Fire. It represents the life force
glowing within us. This element projects self-expression,
creativity, courage and enthusiasm. Feel the comforting
warmth of a fire, or heat when you come in from the cold.
We need fire to meet the basic need of cooking our food.

Fire provides a sense of security, warmth and inspiration
that is shared with those around. Fire strengthens
self-confidence to tackle problems without hesitation.
Without fire, there is no radiance, no conviction,
no expression.

A spark can light up new ideas, serve as a beacon
to light the way to achieve goals with conviction
and enthusiasm.

An over expression of fire can turn assertiveness
into aggression, daring into reckless behavior and
so forth. When fire's influence is out of control,it
seeks to consume all in its path.

Weakness: lack of interest, egotistic, excessive
self-centeredness, self- importance.

Astrology: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

Jung: Feelings/Emotion

The element Water is associated with the signs of
Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces influences the conscience
and the subconscious forces that act on our lives,
The element water pours forth to others.It allows
one to feel their pain and suffering and offer sincere

Psychic awareness is also present in the water signs
and shows itself from time to time with uncanny accuracy.
Water seeks to heal and nurture those around it.
Uncontrolled, this element can send emotions on a
turbulent path resulting in moodiness and unpredictable
highs and lows,like the crest and trough of the waves.

Water signs need serenity and calmness, like a gentle
flowing river nurturing all in its wake and at the same
time leading to the discovery of new paths.

Over expressed, there is tendency to be overly
emotional, deeply sensitive and subjective. With too
much emotion, depression may result.

Weakness can result from being too protective and
possessive of loved ones; cold attitude and lack
of drive may arise.

A Balance of the Elements

The best combination of each element type of
personality strives to create a balance of these
elemental aspects of each, thereby resulting in
relationship that thrives on mutual growth and harmony.


The element air in a relationship provides ideas
and dreams that fire can act on and forge into realities.


Water provides sensitivity and nurturing to the
sometimes cold reserved earthly approach to matters,
thereby laying the groundwork for future growth
in the relationship

Fire- water

Balance can be achieved by realizing that water
can inject needed sensitivity and patience into
the fire sign. At the same time ,Fire can add
drive and the courage to act that can at times be
lacking in the water signs.


Fire's initiative and drive can stimulate the sometimes
laid back and reserved nature of earth. At the same
time ,earth's practicality and discipline can be
balancing to fire's sometimes quick to act ways.

When two elements of the same type combine, harmony
can be achieved when the needs and traits are the
same for both .However, it hinders growth when both
individuals become too comfortable to a point that the
needed spark for growth may be lacking.

Ideally ,we should strive for a balance of the elements

Earth/Water and Air / Fire.

The other combinations can also work as long as
both partners respect the others needs and unique
traits that both bring into the relationship and
they utilize each others strengths to balance


Reference: Tracy Marks book
The Elements in Ancient Greek Philosophy

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Discover The Secret Of The Houses Of Astrology

In the Astrology Horoscope there are 12 houses, one for each of the 12 astrology star signs. The houses have a special meaning as they take on a vibration of their own which you have to take into consideration when you read a horoscope. Each sign rules a particular house.

The Sun travel around in the horoscope all the time and spend approximately 2 hours in each house. Therefore at the time you are born your particular sun sign will fall in the house according to the time you were born which, is not necessarily in the house your sign rules.

The sun rises in the first house every morning between 5am - 7am. At 12 noon it is at the mid heaven and at 6pm it is on the descendant opposite the first house and at 12 midnight it is opposite the mid heaven in the 4th house and then return to the first house again to repeat the circle. This is what happens every day.

The houses of the 3 Fire signs occupy the 1st the 5th and the 9th house.

The first house is the home of Aries it rules our physical appearance and the way we represent ourselves to other people. It describes our personality, how you see yourself and how other people see you. It is our starting point and from here we go on to grow and mature and develop.

The 5th house is the home of Leo. It represents children, self expression and creativity. Understanding the 5th house can help you release your creativity. It represents entertainment, drama, the theatre, love and romance.

The 9th house is the home of Sagittarius. It represents long distant travel, foreign countries, imports and exports. It rules the higher mind, higher education, university, wisdom, knowledge and anything that broadens the mind.

The houses of the 3 Earth signs occupy the 2nd the 6th and the 10th house.

The 2nd house is the house of Taurus. This house relates to your personal financial affairs. Your bank accounts, cheques, the way you earn and spend your money. Dealing with money in a sound well-balanced way is an important spiritual lesson we all have to learn to master.

The 6th house is the home of Virgo. This house is the House of service and health and your every day to day routine in life. It relates to your work, it has to do with your job rather than your profession. Work and health goes hand in hand if you are unhappy at work it shows up in poor health.

The 10th house is the home of Capricorn. It relates to your profession and public life. It relate to people in position of power and authority such as your boss and other superiors and how you react to authority. It represents your career, ambition and worldly goals and achievement.

The houses of the 3 Air signs occupy the 3rd the 7th and the 11th house.

The 3rd house is the home of Gemini. This is the house of communication, such as speech, letters, writing, telephones and all sorts of communication. It relates to short journeys, street cars, automobiles and railways. It is also the house of brothers and sisters and how you relate to them.

The 7th house is the home of Libra. This house relates to close intimate relationships such as marriage and any committed relationship. Other people and dealing with the public and how the public relates to you. It has to do with legal difficult relationships and the relationship between personality and soul.

The 11th house is the home of Aquarius. This house gives indications about hope and wishes and what you desire most in life. It relates to your friendship and relationship with groups of people. This house rules humanitarian work, clubs, societies and any gathering of people of the same interest.

The houses of the 3 Water signs occupy the 4th the 8th and the 12th house.

The 4th house is the home of Cancer. This house relates to the home, family and all matters concerning the domestic front. It has to do with early childhood, memories, your roots and heritage. This house rules your mother and the kind of nurturing and security you received as a child.

The 8th house is the home of Scorpio. This house has to do with the finances, resources and values of other people. It covers joint financial interest, your partner's income, shares, legacy and inheritance. It relates to death and transformation from the old to the new.

The 12th house is the home of Pisces. This house relates to hidden places or things. Activities carried out behind the scene or in seclusion, places of confinement such as hospitals, institutions or prisons. This is the house of the subconscious mind, where you store repressed feelings.

Hanne Klein shares an enormous amount of ebooks in many categories loaded with Sizzling information for people from all walks of life. You will be able to read more in my digital ebook "Astrology Made Simple and Easy to Understand" on this link

Please get your Free Mini Gift Copy

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The Basics of Astrology - Sun Signs Part Two

How much do you know about astrology? Is it limited to you checking your horoscope everyday in your local newspaper? Or do you delve into the meanings of your sun and rising signs, house placements and elemental characteristics? No matter what level you're on it doesn't hurt to get down to the basics and understand more about the meaning of astrology, as well as take a look at the definitions of the 12 sun signs of the zodiac. So if you want to know more about astrology, I encourage you to read on!

What is Astrology?

Astrology is defined as "the study of correlations of celestial events with behavior on earth, particularly correlations which cannot be explained by gravitation, magnetism, or other forces that are well-established in physics or other sciences." In other words, astrology looks at the planets (including the Sun and Moon, and excluding Earth) and their positions in relation to each other and Earth to determine the behavioral tendencies of the people and events of this planet.

Some people believe that the very essence of who we are and what we are inclined to do in life have already been predetermined by the specific alignment of the planets at the specific time, date and location of our births. Even more, specific generations born under certain planetary alignments may have a tendency to collectively act in accordance with a pre-determined guideline. Astrology is said to have a huge influence on humankind and is only able to be overridden by our free wills, but this is not easy as we are born with certain influences. To understand more about how we are affected by planetary alignment, let's look at the 12 sun signs of the zodiac.

The Next Six of the 12 Sun Signs

Libra (September 23 - October 22) is another self-starting sign. They love to begin projects and enjoy the feeling of interacting with others. This sign is represented by a scale, which means that they belief in fairness and justice (making sure everything balances out) and they will stand up for it. Libras are pretty smart cookies and they know it (and they often want to make sure you know it). But that's okay; often times they are right, so let them have that glory. They will love you for it and invite you in for great times and friendship.

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21) has a pretty bad reputation among the 12 sun signs. Most people believe two things about Scorpios: they are sexual, and they are vengeful. Both are normally true. But what most people don't know about these stingers is that they have a deeply emotional side that yearns for love. They are so emotional that they fear showing it to others, which is why most keep a cold demeanor - only the most deserving can be let in (and Scorpios have already done a thorough check before opening the door). Anyone who truly knows a Scorpio understands that they are dealing with a deeply intense and complicated person, but if they can get passed this, they know they have a truly loyal friend for life.

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21) is another fiery personality, but you don't see it much unless it is provoked. Their concerns tend to expand beyond the trivial person-to-person relationship and look more at their relationship to the world as a whole. They want to know how to make changes that will affect others and work persistently to make things happen. They are extremely talented and wise, and love their freedom. When the things they want are compromised then this is when the fire can unleash, and trust me, it is not pretty.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19) is one of the very determined and focused sun signs and is in love with "making things right" in the world. You'll find that Capricorns work very hard - or even volunteer often - but they always play hard also. They enjoy a well-rounded life with loved ones and take their responsibilities very seriously. If you're dealing with a Capricorn, you can guarantee all I's are dotted and T's are crossed because their goal is to reach the pride of accomplishment - and they intend to succeed.

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18) one of the free-thinking sun signs; they're always open to new ideas and are often creating some on their own. They are often leaders of a pack and can carry a group mentality as long as they make the rules of the group. Sometimes they are emotionally detached from others because they have "things" to do - there can't always be room for things and people. But when they resurface from the things they're doing, you'll find they've made a change so significant that you're grateful that they disappeared for a while.

Pisces (February 19 - March 20) is another one of the sensitive sun signs and is often revered for its compassionate side. They love to see people join together as one - especially if they are a part of the group. Sometimes, because of their emotional nature, they can become co-dependent, relying too much on a significant other or loved one - or sometimes even drugs or alcohol. But what they're looking for is love to pacify their complex nature, so it doesn't hurt to give them that.

Learning about the incredible nature of sun signs is always beneficial because it can answer nagging questions about the personality of someone who is emotionally untouchable - and it can even help you learn more about yourself. If you are truly interested in learning more about astrology, I suggest you reference the many Edgar Cayce books available on the topic, in addition to other astrologers who specialize in sun signs and astrological charts. You might find yourself entering into a new and exciting realm of self discovery.

Jeffrey Meier of Jam727 Enterprises at offers information articles on a wide variety of subjects including Astrology at

Article Source:

The Basics of Astrology - Sun Signs Part One

How much do you know about astrology? Is it limited to you checking your horoscope everyday in your local newspaper? Or do you delve into the meanings of your sun and rising signs, house placements and elemental characteristics? No matter what level you're on it doesn't hurt to get down to the basics and understand more about the meaning of astrology, as well as take a look at the definitions of the 12 sun signs of the zodiac. So if you want to know more about astrology, I encourage you to read on!

What is Astrology?

Astrology is defined as "the study of correlations of celestial events with behavior on earth, particularly correlations which cannot be explained by gravitation, magnetism, or other forces that are well-established in physics or other sciences." In other words, astrology looks at the planets (including the Sun and Moon, and excluding Earth) and their positions in relation to each other and Earth to determine the behavioral tendencies of the people and events of this planet.

Some people believe that the very essence of who we are and what we are inclined to do in life have already been predetermined by the specific alignment of the planets at the specific time, date and location of our births. Even more, specific generations born under certain planetary alignments may have a tendency to collectively act in accordance with a pre-determined guideline. Astrology is said to have a huge influence on humankind and is only able to be overridden by our free wills, but this is not easy as we are born with certain influences. To understand more about how we are affected by planetary alignment, let's look at the 12 sun signs of the zodiac.

The First Six of the 12 Sun Signs

Aries (March 21 - April 19) is the considered to be the first sign of the zodiac and is filled with fire and motivation. This sign is a self-starter and has no problem taking on a leadership role, but can actually be very explosive when provoked. They are traditionally aggressive and assertive, tending to be Type A personalities, so you can count on one of these fiery characters to stand up to an unreasonable boss or even parent. While they can be overbearing with a touchy temperament, when they love you, they will always stick by your side.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20) is considered to be one of the more grounded sun signs in the zodiac. Typically pretty passive and calm, minding their own business just like a bull grazing in a pasture, when the Taurus is provoked, you will see another very striking side of this sign - they won't hesitate to get you out of their pasture. Ironically, once the tussle is over and you're done waving your red flag, they will go back to grazing, no offense taken and no grudges held - back to business as usual. It is because of this personality trait that the Taurus is viewed as a more stable sign. They like security, and as long as that is guaranteed, you will not have any problems out of them.

Gemini (May 21 - June 21) is one of the communication sun signs. They love their intelligence and enjoy spreading the word - not so much in an arrogant way, but just to inform the world of what they'll learned. Gemini is represented by twin souls, which means you can normally find two distinct personalities coming from this one unique person - ironically, neither is very emotional and both are rather unattached. So if you're one of the more emotional signs, you might have a difficult time understanding this creature.

Cancer (June 22 - July 22) is one of the more emotional sun signs. They are naturally very caring, sensitive, emotional, and nurturing - even the men. They love taking care of (and sometimes possessing) their loved ones and have a tendency to smother some of the more emotionless sun signs. But their heart is always in a good place; they just want to be loved and want to feel secure that those they love feel the same way - that's not too much to ask, is it?

Leo (July 23 - August 22) is a natural leader among the sun signs, represented by the strong lion. Leos are very individualist and have a self-centered attitude - but why not, they are the "kings of the jungle." Sometimes they can feel that the world is against them, and maybe it is - but Leos get over this quickly because essentially they are the center of this world, so somebody has to be against them. They can be very honorable and confident, creatively starting projects and seeing them through with great fervor. And if they can watch their sometimes quick temper and "step on others" attitude, they tend to be very successful in life.

Virgo (August 23 - September 22) is probably one of the most recognizable sun signs in the zodiac. It's not hard to distinguish this loner from the other signs. They typically have very unique habits that will push them to do things others won't do - in short, they don't do ANYTHING for social purposes. They act on their own time and of their own will in every area of their lives. And if this means they will be social outcasts, so be it. In turn, this time alone typically means they are very good at whatever they choose to do (typically technical, scientific, or mathematical work), but they can often confuse others because they don't need people around to make them happy. They are very neat and precise and don't want others coming in to mess things up. But if they do let you in, you are likely to have a very loyal friend.

Learning about the incredible nature of sun signs is always beneficial because it can answer nagging questions about the personality of someone who is emotionally untouchable - and it can even help you learn more about yourself। If you are truly interested in learning more about astrology, I suggest you reference the many Edgar Cayce books available on the topic, in addition to other astrologers who specialize in sun signs and astrological charts. You might find yourself entering into a new and exciting realm of self discovery.

Jeffrey Meier of Jam727 Enterprises at offers information articles on a wide variety of subjects including Astrology at

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Astrology - A Little Background

So where did astrology come from? It had to start somewhere. The origins may or may not surprise you but they are certainly fascinating as in its early beginnings many people felt that the battle between astrology and "real" science would destroy one or the other, with astrology being the likely victim. Interestingly, it didn't work out quite that way.

Long before there was ever such a thing as physics, chemistry, biology or any of those horrible subjects you cringed at having to take in high school, there was, believe it or not, astrology. Technically, this was the very first science, though there are those who would argue that it isn't a science at all but just a lot of hocus-pocus.

Astrology goes back to about 2900 BC. During this time, the Sumerians built temples in the form of pyramids. They did this to observe the stars and planets. Some say that it is even possible that Astrology goes back even farther than this but there is little evidence to support this theory.

It wasn't until about 2000 BC that the magi of Mesopotamia believed that there were indeed no accidents. He believed that everything in the universe including people, objects and all events, was connected. Not only did these magi, or priests study the stars but they also looked for omens in weather patterns. They would predict future events from the internal organs of many animals and even listened to the words of trees, dogs, cats and insects to hear what they had to say.

The main use of astrology, however, was to study the relationship between the position of the Earth and other bodies in the heavens such as planets, stars and even meteors and asteroids. They believed beyond any doubt that the position of each object in the universe has an effect on every person and even on our planet. It should be pointed out that with astrology, our Earth has no effect on these bodies themselves. This may or may not be true. Nobody knows for certain.

Because astrology was the first science, it was the first science taught in universities and continued to be taught all the way up until the 1600s. During this time the so called "rational" sciences began to take over and astrology was looked at as more of a myth. Ironically, however, almost all astrology professors were college educated with degrees in various fields, mostly in psychology or counseling.

In spite of this education, especially today, astrology is not taken very seriously as an academic discipline. Some colleges may still offer classes on the subject but programs specializing in astrology are pretty much non existent. Still, there are many people in the world, including well educated people who take astrology quite seriously.

The battle between real science and the occult will no doubt continue. But for the purposes of this series of articles we will treat astrology like the serious science that it was 4000 years ago when man first began to study the stars and the planets.

Michael Russell Your Independent guide to Astrology

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Welcome to Real Astrology!

Since the beginning of time, man has looked to the stars for answers. We have seen images of the Gods by connecting the patterns of stars and planets together we created myths to help comfort each other, while teaching lessons. The heavens have let us know when to plant our crops, when to rest, and when to celebrate. Until recent centuries, you had to be an astrologist to be a doctor. The stars were even believed to help cure us. When there were no other answers astrology told us what to do and how to do it.

Today in a world with little hope it is comforting and fun to pick up a book or go online to see what the heavens have in store for you. Am I going to meet the man or woman of my dreams? Will my financial problems ever get better? Will the fight I had with my significant other or best friend be resolved today? Obviously this is all up to you, but your attitude and the attitudes of those around you are a direct result of your surroundings, and our biggest surrounding is the heavens.

Have you ever read your horoscope then later went back to say, "That was all wrong! That doesn't sound like anything I have done or will do!" Of course you have, we all have because though I am an Aries, I am not just an Aries, that is only my Sun sign. The sun sign is only one part of your natal chart, you also have a moon sign, an ascending sign, the planets, and different houses to take into consideration. To really map out a chart and answer the questions you want answered you have to consider exactly what was going on when you were born, and where you were born.

My goal with this blog is to go step by step to teach you to how to create and read your natal chart. We will go over the signs of the zodiac and what they mean, the planets and what they mean, the houses and what they mean, and why their positioning is relevant. Over time you will understand why you and those around you are the way you are. You will understand why you handle obstacles the way you do, why your work ethic is the way it is, why you interact with others the way you do, etc.

We all love to talk and learn about ourselves, we all have questions we want answered, and why not answer them. Our answers are available, they are written in the stars.